Built on Strange Ground [paperback book]


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The world is huge, and strange, and mysterious. And in the end, all we have is our stories.

Built On Strange Ground collects true, personal experiences of strange places, haunted sites, mysterious neighbors and local lore from a variety of talented and diverse artists.

All the stories in Built On Strange Ground are real, from the experiences of an immigrant couple who found their new house was inhabited by the dead, to the memories of a reclusive neighbor who hides a secret among her pet dogs, to a startling investigation into the hiding place of one of America's most infamous serial killers. There are more than 200 pages of stories to be found here, and they cover a great range of experiences, walks of life, and private, quiet explorations into how we as human beings deal with the inexplicable.

If you're a fan of the paranormal and the unexplained, interested in personal stories or fascinated with local legends and lore, this book will get under your skin in the best of all possible ways.

Available in two different covers!



  • Black Cover (sold out)

  • Pink Cover (sold out)